Our Focus

Business Portions

Human Healthcare
Hospital-acquired infection (HAI) is a major concern in hospital settings. HAIs are preventable with correct infection prevention and control (IPC) practices. This IPC manual will ensure a safe working environment for health care providers and patients. HAIs are an important focus of infection prevention in the world, they are a major cause of preventable disease and death.
The organisms causing most HAIs come from the patient’s own body (endogenous flora). They also can come from contact with staff (cross-contamination), contaminated instruments and needles, and the environment (exogenous flora). A large portion of infections that originate in hospitals and all those that originate in ambulatory care facilities become apparent only after patients are discharged.
The best sterilization or high-level disinfection Biocide’s agents like Accelerated Hydrogen peroxide and Peracetic acid or a combination of both Biocides agents with highest biodegradability, eco-friendly, human healthcare and environmentally safe with no residual effect. PuraHub Limited marketed these types of Biocides from the best manufacturers of the first world.
Animal Healthcare
Livestock production has become a sustainable and profitable industry in the world. These sectors are contributing to meet the world demand for proteins as well as implementing food security along with employment generation. Poultry industries are frequently affected by the viral respiratory diseases associated with respiratory systems as Avian influenza (AI), Newcastle disease (ND), Infectious bronchitis (IB), Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), and Avian metapneumovirus (AE).
Bacterial diseases like Mycoplasmosis, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, Fowl cholera, and Infectious coryza are mostly prevalent respiratory diseases. Concerning fungal diseases, Aspergillosis is a highly prevalent respiratory disease-causing pneumonia in young chickens.
Several types of Biocides like Iodophors, Glutaraldehyde, Quaternary ammonium Chlorides, effervescent Chlorine tablets are using to prevent these diseases but nowadays they are growing resistant with the microorganism also those chemical Biocides are not properly biodegradable. Humans are badly affected by these Biocides residual effects.
The best high-level disinfection Biocide’s agents like stabilized Hydrogen peroxide and Peracetic acid or a combination of both Biocides agents with the highest biodegradability, eco-friendly, human health and environmentally safe with no residual effects. PuraHub Limited marketed these types of Biocides from the best manufacturers of the first world.

Food & Beverage
The world has long been facing problems associated with microbiological contamination of varieties foods due to the lack of awareness on hygiene followed by the defective legislative action. Manifestation of microbial prevalence in different foods bring about vital information on food safety as well as may envisage the further intoxication caused by the prevailing microorganisms.
Here are six key challenges that must be addressed to protect and enhance market share and meet society’s increasing expectations for sustainability.
Food Safety, Regulatory Compliance, Supply Chain, Water Stewardship, Food Packaging, Data Consolidation.
To reduce foodborne microorganisms and foodborne illness, PuraHub Limited marketed the best high-level disinfection Biocide’s agents like Stabilized Hydrogen peroxide and Peracetic acid or a combination of both Biocides agents with the highest level of biodegradability, eco-friendly, human health and environmentally safe with no residual effect by bringing from the best manufacturers of the western world.
Textile & Laundry
The textile & Laundry sector has been an important part of the world’s economy over the past few decades. However, the growth of the RMG sector is associated with different environmental issues, mostly caused by wastewater generated by textile industries. These industries consume high volumes of water per unit fabric for processing, which cause depletion of groundwater levels at a high rate. In addition, in many cases, textile effluents are discharged into rivers or wetlands without proper treatment. Untreated textile effluent can contaminate groundwater & water bodies, reduce dissolved oxygen in the water & affect aquatic ecosystems which may indirectly cause climate change. Improving conventional technology, adopting cleaner production options, the reusing and recycling of treated water may reduce water consumption, effluent volume & water stresses may help to preserve aquatic ecosystems.
To take effective measures for future improvement it is important to develop a worldwide wastewater impact tracking system. A material balance approach has been developed to characterize the trend of pollution impacts associated with the textile dyeing industries. The gradual adoption of improved technology & cleaner production options could reduce wastewater volume. Biological chemical agents will also provide a baseline scenario & open new opportunities for textile engineers and environmentalists to develop innovative technologies for textile dyeing and effluent treatment.
Textile & laundry washing chemicals is the second-largest polluter of water worldwide and the fashion industry produces 20% of the world’s wastewater.
PuraHub Limited marketed the best high-level biological chemical agents or a combination of biological chemical agents with the highest level of biodegradability, eco-friendly, human health and environmentally safe with no residual effect which reduces contaminated groundwater and water bodies, improved dissolved oxygen in the water and aquatic ecosystems and air pollution for the future generation. PuraHub Limited marketed these types of Biocides by bringing from the best manufacturers of the western world.

Wastewater treatment in developing countries is a major concern and the solution has become challenging for various unfavourable conditions. Inadequate education and low economic perspective are causing difficulties in implementing advanced treatment methods. Waterborne diseases are a common phenomenon among the villagers as well as for urban inhabitants.
Insufficiency in a wastewater treatment facility is making effluent water harmful to the environment. Most of the untreated effluent is discharged to the nearest water bodies. Groundwater depletion is increasing with time.
High population density and economic adversity are making difficulties in implementing the solution. Moreover, political issues and social restrictions have a huge impact on decision making. Decentralized wastewater treatment can make a remarkable change in wastewater issues.
The reuse of effluent water in the agricultural fields is another perspective of the decentralized system. Treated effluent could be used further in irrigation. This initiative can positively reduce pressure on groundwater as well as energy consumption.
Finally, this is very alarming for the future generation if we do not start properly the wastewater treatment management by using eco-friendly, biodegradable chemical agents with no residual effect on the environment.
PuraHub Limited marketed the best high-level biological and chemical agents or a combination of these agents with the highest level of biodegradability, eco-friendly, human health and environmentally safe with no residual effect by bringing from the best manufacturers of the western world.
Solid Waste
Solid Waste Management may be defined as the discipline associated with the control of generation, collection, storage, transfer and transport, processing and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics.
Skin and blood infections resulting from direct contact with waste, and infected wounds. Eye and respiratory infections resulting from exposure to infected dust, especially during landfill operations. Different diseases result from the bites of animals feeding on the waste.
Some waste will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process, it may smell, or generate methane gas, which is explosive and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Leachate produced as waste decomposes may cause pollution. Badly-managed landfill sites may attract vermin or cause litter. Proper waste management helps improve the quality of water and air, as well as reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
Soil, water and air pollution can all be a result of improper waste disposal and occurs when either of them becomes contaminated with hazardous materials. Another example of the dangerous effects of improper waste disposal is soil contamination which occurs when hazardous chemicals come into contact with the soil. Proper use of Biological Chemical agents can quick decomposed organic solid waste without releasing greenhouse gases and diseases.
PuraHub Limited marketed the best high-level biological & chemical biocide agents or a combination of these agents with the highest level of biodegradability, eco-friendly, human health and environmentally safe with no residual effect which reduces greenhouse gases and diseases by bringing from the best manufacturers of the western world.

5G, 5G+, Wi-Fi EMFs
Today we are facing an enemy our ancestors never hear about – EMFs. From one side electricity is a blessing for us. It is hard to imagine today’s world without it. On the other side, electricity is not tolerated by our bodies. It means all EMFs including Wi-Fi, any data communication like a cell phone with a cell tower, energy from wiring systems in cars, homes power lines, transformers and all other forms of electric existence.
Our body defence system tries to protect us against EMFs passing through us. Unfortunately, we don’t have adequate tools to defend ourselves. This fight is hopeless. Instead of giving up a defence system collects all the energy body can provide and waste it in this fight. Results are devastating. We are losing the energy required for normal functionality. Eventually, our health deteriorates, sometimes to a deadly extend (like cancer).
The more powerful, shortwave radiation of 5G, 5G+ will bring about more potent health issues, both because of the smaller, more powerful radiation, and also because of the location of millions of more receptor boxes, much closer than they were before.
6G is on the way to be implemented in a short time. Here are only a few results of 5G, 5G+, Wi-Fi exposure: Changes in how we metabolize cells, causes psychiatric effects, Depression, Anxiety, Neurodegenerative issues, Fertility both male & Female, Changes in cell development, Damages DNA, Affects the nervous system, Affects skin.
PuraHub Limited imported and marketed these types of Devices from the best manufacturers of the western world with the best solution to eliminate EMFs bad effects which have eco-friendly, human healthy and environmentally safe with no residual effects.
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