Today we are facing an enemy our ancestors never hear about – EMFs. From one side electricity is a blessing for us. It is hard to imagine today’s world without it. On the other side, electricity is not tolerated by our own bodies. I mean all EMFs including Wi-Fi, any data communication like a cell phone with a cell tower, energy from wiring systems in cars, homes power lines, transformers and all other forms of electric existence.
Our body defence system tries to protect us against EMFs passing through us. Unfortunately, we don’t have adequate tools to defend ourselves. This fight is hopeless. Instead of giving up a defence system collects all the energy body can provide and waste it in this fight. Results are devastating. We are losing the energy required for normal functionality. Eventually, our health deteriorates, sometimes to a deadly extend (like cancer).
So, How deadly is exposition to EMFs?
Are EMFs harmful or not?
To Make it short – the real problem is in our bodies. Mostly (accept electrocution, heavy radiation like gamma-ray and overheating by inductive current) EMFs are harmless. Yes, they are. The problem is in the false recognition of intruders by the body. It is something like an allergy. You are OK, but your friend will have an allergy to the same environmental conditions. We are not perfect.

Protect Yourself Against 5G, 5G+ (6G...) Radiation – Solutions
The more powerful, shortwave radiation of 5G will bring about more potent health issues, both because of the smaller, more powerful radiation, and also because of the location of millions of more receptor boxes, much closer than they were before.
Cell companies and government regulations are not doing extensive research on the health effects, they are hurry to be the first one to roll out the fastest network. Since it was developed for military use, it hasn’t been tested thoroughly enough for public exposure.
6G is on the way to be implemented in a short time.
Here are only a few results of 5G, 5G+ exposure:
- Changes how we metabolize cells
- Causes psychiatric effects
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Neurodegenerative issues
- Fertility
- It affected male fertility more than female fertility, but the damage was noticeable in both
- Changes in cell development
- Damages DNA
- Affects the nervous system
- Affects skin
The tested solution is here! in PuraHub Limited.
A neutralizer is a device that protects a large area from the negative effects of Electromagnetic Fields [EMFs] from any direction – above, below or sides – without compromising any passing through communication like cellular phone transmission. It is like a water filter. EMF energy passing through shielding is harmless to any living creature. Surround yourself with the missing link for health and vitality.
Two Types of Neutralizer
- Basic Neutralizers
- Regular Neutralizers
Basic Neutralizers
Due to economic difficulties and demands here is an inexpensive version of Neutralizers – Basic Neutralizers!
- Basic Neutralizer has the same range of protection as a regular one.
- The difference is in the amount of energy Basic Neutralizer can handle.
- It is designed to be less expensive than a regular Neutralizer.
- The costs of it are combined with the effectiveness of protection not compromising minimum safety for protected by Basic Neutralizer zone.
- Basic Neutralizer provides protection against the negative effects of EMF that are sourced in an area below the device position level.
Regular Neutralizers
Neutralizer’s protection is crucial for decent effective and efficient rest and regeneration of your body during resting time. Also, it is today important as protection against the negative impact of EMFs on your health.
- Regular Neutralizer is designed to protect anything in a specific (defined for each model) range of protection. The protection area is a circular shape.
- Method of protection was developed base on quantum physics knowledge.
- The essential meaning of protection is to absorb “BAD” energy from EMF’s and utilize it by discharging to the ground via grounding connection.
- This provides free from dangerous radiation zone in the range of protection (e.g., your home).

We divided Neutralizers into 3 groups as you see here:
The first group [1] is designed to protect against EMF radiation approaching from below the Neutralizer’s position. This Neutralizer should be located on the lowest level of the protected area (e.g., greenhouse floor). If you are concerned that moisture or water will affect the Neutralizer’s function – we designed the Neutralizer to be 100% waterproof.
The second group [2] of Neutralizers works like an umbrella that protects from all radiation coming from above (including cosmic radiation) with one exception explained below. Neutralizer’s from this group should be located in the highest level of the protected area (under greenhouse roof etc.), basically above your head.
The third group [3] protects your greenhouse (or any other space) from any EMFs invading from the sides (e.g., Smart Maters, Wi-Fi). This set of Neutralizers works like invisible walls surrounding your living space.
Exception – all Neutralizers are not protecting against heavy radiation like x-rays – (gamma) or heavy particles (beta and alpha). They protect only against a wide spectrum of EMFs (from 0.01 Hz to over 300 GHz)
EMF Health Hazards
Home of PuraHub Limited Invention
The Only One Patented and 100% Proven Invention – 21st Century Solution for EMF Protection
Immune System Improvement
Immune System Improvement tools
Specific products helping improve the Immune System of the whole family
(all people living in a protected area like room, apartment or home)
Increase your chances to survive ANY VIRUS and BACTERIA infection and prevention. Strong Immune System is a key to success:
• Boosts the Immune System to above the normal level
• Improving Immunity – These days “Immunity” is recognized as a privilege rather than a normal state of our body.
• All our products (devices) are 5G, 5G+ ready and tested
• New products 5G+ (tested)
• About virus
• Improve your Immune System!
• What needs to be done?
• Symptoms of EMF exposition
• Just One Solution
About virus
People with low Immune systems (weak or weaker) are in the group with the highest risk and severe consequences of VIRUS infection. Generally, symptoms are more severe in people who have weakened immune systems, older people and those with long-term health conditions such as diabetes.
Infections were most common in the winter, were distributed across all age groups, and were less common than those caused by rhinovirus, influenza, or respiratory syncytial virus but more common than other respiratory viruses; coinfections were relatively common, particularly in young children.
Improve your Immune System!
For those with a weakened immune system, the elderly and the very young, there’s a chance the virus could cause a lower, and much more serious, respiratory tracts illness like pneumonia or bronchitis. Weak organism (older people, children and everyone with health problems and low immune system) has a reduced the number of chances to fight severe infections.
Your body needs to have the energy to fight. This energy is created during resting time. You are wasting a significant portion of newly created energy if your body needs to fight EMFs during rest. This may be a background for some health problems (including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and many more).
Our protection provides free from harmful EMFs space (like an apartment, home or single room) where you have a decent rest creating an increased amount of energy (improving radically immune system). This allows everyone with many chronic health problems to recover in a few months (like fibromyalgia in 3 months).
In other words – EMF Total Protection radically improve your immune system. Using our products increase your chances to survive ANY VIRUS infection and prevention. A strong Immune System is a key to success. With our products, the Immune System can be significantly improved.
Just One Solution:
Our products make all EMFs harmless allowing full recovery. The solution is described on the pages listed below. Depends on your observations you should have
• Very basic and “a must” set of products.
• Neutralizer for Protection from Below surface of your home or apartment and Personal Protection
• The best protection will be achieved with a combination of
• Total Home Protection and Personal Protection described on pages
• If you know about cell tower, power transformer, smart meter, source of Wi-Fi or power line near your home you should use products described in the first paragraph and
• Neutralizer (Side Protection) providing protection from mentioned above sources of EMF.
EMF protection for a specific area:
• Single Room Protection
• Apartment Protection
• Home protection – below 2,500 sq. ft. (including basement).
• Large Home Protection – above 2,500 sq. ft. (including basement).
Home EMF protection:
• Total Home Protection
• EMF Protection from Below
• EMF Protection from Above
• EMF Side Protection Set
Personal protection and treatment:
• Personal EMF Protection – Peace Ball
• Magnetopathy helps you recover from health problems
• Peace Disk – a tool used by Magnetopathy therapy

Why EMF and Wi-Fi protection?
What you can expect from products?
Why they are based on Quantum Mechanics?
Why Quantum?
This platform allows us to go beyond classic physics limitations. The results are amazing.
Effectiveness was tested in normal and extreme conditions – Neutralizer was installed in the bank’s vault with 0.6m [2 ft.] tick solid metal walls. The range and effectiveness were the same as in an open field or dense urban development (tested 25m [82 ft.], 50m [154 ft.], 100m [328 ft.], 250m [820 ft.] and 2km [1.24 mile] range of protection)!
EMF Protection Hints and Solutions for Home, Office & Personal Protection:
1. Step by Step Protection
1st Step – Protection from ”Below”
Protection from harmful EMFs rising from under your home or apartment is the first and crucial step in Total Home EMF Protection.
Depends on the size of your home or apartment you can have one from those Neutralizers. They should be installed in the basement or on the floor of the lowest level of your home or the floor of the apartment. Grounding wire (only one connection is required – no power is required) can be detached to the metal body of any equipment connected to the electric outlet (e.g., Fridge, Owen, Water Hitter or Furness). Please focus on the area of protection for each Neutralizer below.
2nd Step – Protection from ”Above”
Cell towers, satellites and any radiation from outer space are composed of powerful pulses of electromagnetic energy – so powerful that at close quarters they will thermally “cook” what is near them. Even at further distances, these waves create an unending cacophony of jumbled pulses that disrupt the natural functioning of biological forms.
Here are Neutralizers designed to protect from EMF radiation from above your home
This model is for all homes and apartments. Must be installed just below the roof (e.g., on the top shelf above your head when you stand near it). Grounding installation is the same as for a regular house Neutralizer.
3rd Step – Protection from ”Sides”
The third group protects from any EMFs invading your house (protected object) from any side (e.g., Smart Meters, Wi-Fi, Cell towers, etc.). This set of Neutralizers works like walls surrounding your living space.
Here you have a variety of possible options. We suggest the set of two dual modules located as you see on the picture below in opposite corners of the protected object.

Instead of 4 modules, you can use 3 modules triangle configuration.
In triangle configuration also must be set up for safety reason margin – minimum 0.6m (2 ft.). Protected object – house or any other type of structure must be nested inside the protected area as shown in the picture below.

4th Step - Personal Protection - Peace Ball
Peace Ball:
- Provides Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy, a method using a wide spectrum of magnetic pulses that penetrates the whole human body and activate the self-restoration process of every organ without side effects.
- Stimulates metabolism and increases the amount of oxygen available to our body cells.
- Has a calming effect on the body and helps to normalize metabolic functions.
- Provides a massaging-like effect to all parts of the body, relaxing the body muscles.
- Provides mind relaxation making us more comfortable.
- The muscle massaging effect makes our body nicely warm and elastic.
- Neutralizes or lowers the level of most common pains.
- Improves memory, focus and concentration.
- Reduces tiredness level.
- Increases the energy level
PEACE BALL – (Personal Active EMF Neutralizer) protects against man-made and natural harmful Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF).
Peace Ball placement:
For the best protection, the device should be worn like a necklace with the Peace Ball placed just below the base of the sternum.
Peace Ball in addition to protecting against all kinds of EMF (like a range of man-made or harmful natural sources like Geopathic Stress, Hartman Grid and Curry Net.

2. Total Home or Corporate Office Protection Set–Explanation

This Neutralizer is a device that protects a large area from the negative effects of Electromagnetic Fields [EMFs] from any direction – above, below and sides – without compromising any passing through communication like cellular phone transmission. It is like a water filter. EMF energy passing through shielding is harmless to any living creature.
Explained below: Set of Neutralizers provides total defence against any Cell-Towers, Antennas or other EMFs from surrounding your house, apartment, room or other living space.
We divided Neutralizers into 3 groups as you can see pictured above.
The first group [1] is designed to protect against EMF “BAD RADIATION” approaching from Cell Towers or Antennas below the Neutralizer’s position. This Neutralizer should be located on the lowest level of the protected area (e.g., basement floor). You need to have no concern that moisture or water invading your basement will affect the Neutralizer’s functioning, as our Neutralizers are 100% waterproof.
The second group [2] of Neutralizers works like an umbrella and protects from all “BAD RADIATION” from above from Tower or Antennas (including cosmic “BAD RADIATION”) with the exception explained below. Neutralizer from this group should be located in the highest level of protected area (building etc.) above your head but below Cell Antenna or Tower installed on the roof position – e.g., on the upper shelf in your closet or attic.
The third group [3] protects from any EMFs invading your house (protected object) from any side from Cell Towers or Antennas (also Smart Meters, Wi-Fi, etc.). This set of Neutralizers works like walls surrounding your living space. Here you have a variety of possible options. We suggest the set of two dual modules located as you see on the picture above in opposite corners of the protected object.
Sets of Neutralizers listed below are for any typical home, apartment, office and workplace. Please refer to the total square footage of objects you would like to protect (including the basement).
Also, you can build Total EMF Protection step by step adding EMF Protection in a specific order:
- EMF Protection from Below
- EMF Protection from Above
- EMF Side Protection Set
Installation is very simple. Instruction comes with each product. Installation does not require any special tools.
Agriculture - all Plants, Fish and Animals
are affected by harmful EMFs
Solution - and Double your Farming Results
Importance of EMF Protection for Farms
Dairy and Other Livestock Farm & Animals EMF Protection Pendant EMF Total Farm Protection
Animals in barns, stalls and open ranges suffer the same as humans. In addition, they exposed to stray voltage.
From our long-term research experience, we know that spending life in these places makes them overtired, nervous, sick, and even they die prematurely.
People can talk, complain, go to the doctor or move away from these places; sometimes it can help, sometimes not.
Animals can only depend on us to protect them!

Devastating Effects of Toxic EMFs affected Dairy and other animal farms
It is hard for most of us to understand something that we cannot see … Although humans are sensitive to electrical current, animals such as cows, birds, pigs and horses are probably the best examples of how the body reacts to this current. All of us have experienced an electrical shock just by touching something that is a conductor of electricity. Imagine going through every day getting a number of shocks every time you try to accomplish something as simple as drinking and eating. Dairy herds are particularly vulnerable to all forms of electrical contact and exposure in the cowshed, and the problems are usually worse in the dry summer months, which is contrary to what most folk would expect.
Cows are far more sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields than humans are. Electrical contact through the milking cups can introduce spikes, electric shocks, and sustained induction of 60 or 50 cycle shock.
Stray Electricity, Spikes and Electromagnetic Field Problems in Cowsheds.
Symptoms related to Dairy Farms and Any LIVESTOCK or Farm Personnel
Most dairy farmers will relate to some of these problems.
- We have experienced situations where cows had to be virtually pushed in under the eaves of the shed, because of the induced 60 cycle voltage potential existing on the iron roof.
- Where several cows kicked the cups off simultaneously
- Where cows kicked and fidgeted more than usual, particularly when the cups were being put on.
- Where cows were reluctant to step from one concrete section of the yard onto another.
- Where cows dried off earlier in the season in spite of there being still plenty of feed in the paddocks.
- Where there were excessive amounts of cow manure in and around the pit after milking.
- Where mastitis was a severe problem.
Problems requiring immediate attention:
- Exposure to EMF like Stray Voltage and Geopathic Stress has a significant impact by decreasing the productivity of the Farm.
- Farm owner profits are decreasing exponentially. Contact us now if your farm is experiencing one or more of the symptoms listed below.
Typical EMF related problems – Symptoms observed in DAIRY livestock:
- Lowered milk production
- Increased mastitis
- Aggressive or nervous behaviour
- Uneven and incomplete milk out
- Reluctance to enter the milking parlour
- Reduced growth
- Reduced feed and water intake
- General chronic health issues
Also, Symptoms related to Any LIVESTOCK or Farm Personnel:
- Lowered body mass growth rate
- Increased fatigue (animals and personnel)
- The problem in effectively using genetic variation and harmony with an environment increase rate of energy intake and an even greater increase in environmental heat demand and energy retained factor
- Aggressive or nervous behaviour
- Increased stress factor
- Increased death rate (productive cycle)
- Decreased breed rate (productive cycle)
- Reduced livestock productivity
- Reduced feed and water intake
- General chronic health issues (animals and personnel)
Dairy and Animal Farms SOLUTION
Implementing protection against EMFs will reduce the impact and influence of EMFs on livestock. Effective EMF solutions can be customized to your needs. Solutions are offered using patented technology which is non-invasive and requires minimal set-up.
- Increased milk production by up to 30%
- Reduced veterinary costs
- Reduction in all mentioned above symptoms for any livestock farm
Honeybees Vanishing Worldwide
Background Information and Method of Prevention
What is worth the effort to create a balanced living space harmonized with your animals, plants, fish, bees and water plants needs when they suffer from a very weak geomagnetic field and surrounding them living space is affected by EMFs?
For clarification – we are talking about humans. All of that is the same for animals, plants, bees and fish!
New and VERY EFFECTIVE Magnetopathy treatment for bees in hives

Agriculture from the outside point of view - Resources
Total Farm EMF Protection
EMFs affects Us and our Farm’s
Decreasing Quality, Quantity and Nutrition Value of Production
Every living creature suffers from EMF exposition
For a demonstration of the method, we are posting here only information for greenhouse installation. The same method is applicable for any other type of farming.
Wi-Fi technology – an uncontrolled global experiment on the health of mankind

Agriculture – all Plants, Fish and Animals are affected by harmful EMFs
Use our Solution – and Double your Farming Results

Our products work as filters cleaning energy, so clean energy not affect us anymore – proof – see lettuce – this is 3 times bigger than the regular one – we are not farmers, but energy normally used to fight EMFs thanks to our protection can be used for growth – it is no need to defend against EMFs in protecting space – this garden is inside protection cage – no any tricks, fertilizers etc. – we are not farmers. Every plant acts the same way inside this cage.
Yes, protection – it works like a water filter for water. Dirty water passing through the filer becomes clean. The same is with all EMFs – our invention makes them harmless.
This is a base for all our products.
Explanation of such excellent, healthy vegetation is simple – the energy used to fight with Wi-Fi and other EMFs in the protected gardens is used for growth.
Our invention is patented.
Our unique invention makes your care results go beyond your expectation.
It can be a beautiful, durable, and no-maintenance addition to your favourite plant care for many years to come.
We know that conditions controlled by your environment will be significantly enhanced.
The Only Plant Growth Accelerator
The Substitute for Lost Strength of Geomagnetic Field for Plants and Solution with Incredible Results
Water – The Cradle Of Life
Water Affected By EMFs
Unique Water Plants and Fish Growth Accelerator
The Substitute for Lost Strength of Geomagnetic Field for Fish, Water Plants and Solution with Incredible Results

You have unique fish and water plants. This requires special care. We have unique inventions making your care results beyond your expectation. We know that conditions controlled by your water environment will be significantly enhanced.
What you can expect from it?
- fast increased fish population
- fish growth accelerated
- increased good health condition
- water plants growth accelerated
- water plants quality and beyond the same as in the garden